Out of the Box - Collodi (the Puppeteer) Starter Box

Here's an out of the box post with the new Malifaux set, Collodi. This is a new faction for the Neverborn from the Rising Powers expansion. According to the Wyrd website:
Collodi performs on the streets of Malifaux out of his mobile cart. His eerie puppets dance and sing and amuse the spectators, but later, some of the spectators join the troupe... rather forcibly.
The box comes with Collodi, four marionettes, and three wicked dolls. Here are the contents of the box:
There are a total of eight miniatures (bases not in the shot):
Collodi himself has separate hands:
These little wicked dolls are all single piece models:
As are these four marionettes:
A close-up of hte wicked dolls:
And a close-up of Collodi:
And finally, this the box front and back as per the image on the Wyrd website:
Hope you found this out of the box useful!


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