Wyrd WIPs

Now that Golden Demon entries are done and dusted, it's time to relax with some fun stuff. Both my entries made it through to the regionals, so you'll be able to see them next weekend in the GW Sydney Battle Bunker on York Street. Anyway, onto other projects!

I've decided to join the Malifaux bandwagon with the Death Marshals. I had a Lady Justice as a prize from last year's Sydney Wyrd painting competition, so I picked up the rest of her crew at MOAB to make a playable faction.

The bases were built up with cheap Knead-It putty, and covered with Vallejo sandy paste. Sandy paste is fantastic, it dries with a really solid and tough finish, and saves me time as I don't have to seal it in with PVA glue if I were just using a sand and glue mix. The wooden slats were just a broken up stirring stick from Starbucks.

I also based up Rasputina (I've got the rest of her crew on order). Mine was the old packaging with the extra Hoar Cat, which I might end up sticking onto the base just in front of her feet.

All these figures were much easier to assemble than Misaki, though still required a bit of pinning to ensure they'd be robust enough for the tabletop.


Jyggdrasil said…
I look forward to seeing these progress. Odds are good that I'll be getting myself a box of Bayou Gremlins at some point.
Andrew said…
Hey Jason, yeah these will be done fairly quickly, so I can do some demo games and learn the rules!

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